Thursday, December 29, 2011

learning guitar from youtube

earlier i was playing my guitar and browsing you tube for some awesome guitar tutorials. I find that watching you tube tutorials is one of the best ways to learn guitar for free. When i get a guitar book that is supposed to teach me how to play i have trouble concentrating. Watching these videos are interactive and great ways to learn.

I am very into irish folk music lately, i find that the folk music that irish people play is soothing and a great way to use your guitair.

check back for more guitar related posts!


  1. I agree irish folk music is very relaxing. looking forward to reading more guitar related posts!

  2. i always tried to learn from an instructor and it cost me so much money! nice blog!

  3. thnaks, also great blog and post about the guitar tutorials, now following

  4. I have guitar, but never played on it. I hope your blog will help beginners !

  5. It really puts a damper on your mood when you're excited to learn a new song, and while tuning your guitar down, your high e string breaks. But looking forward to this guitar blog! Following.
